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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Giant Series Magazine
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children, Humor, Religious, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: January 1973
Country: United States
After seeing how greedy everyone is about presents, Archie has a dream where he convinces Santa Claus to give the gift of love and peace at Christmas time.; A twig of mistletoe falls into Miss Beazly's soup, making it an aphrodisiac that causes anyone who tastes it to become passionate and loving. Soon everyone is trying to get the romantic thrills induced by the soup. But when it runs out, Betty explains to Ethel that God can give her a high that she can't get from any artificial stimulant.; Stuck on a country road during a blizzard, the gang takes refuge in an old barn where three angels appear to teach them the true religious meaning of Christmas.; Jingles magically arranges for an out-of-work actor working as a street-corner Santa to meet the famous Broadway producer David Kerrick.; Archie, Jughead and Betty meet a young man who left home searching for meaning in his life. By quoting from the book of Ecclesiastes, Betty shows him that the only way to find meaning is to look to God. The man sees the light and decides to go back to his parents and pray with them.