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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Giant Series Magazine
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: June 1975
Country: United States
Veronica invites Betty and her mix-breed cat to the mansion to appear in publicity pictures with her and her cat. A pet food company sees the pictures and wants to use Betty's cat as the spokes-model for their cat food line.; When Veronica storms home, vowing that she never wants to speak to Betty again, Smithers and her father take her at her word and freeze Betty out of the Lodge mansion.; Archie can only buy one raffle ticket from Betty, because Veronica made him buy her whole book the previous evening.; Betty's sudden display of narcolepsy has Archie worried, but Veronica thinks it's a scam to get Archie's attention.; Charley is staggered by Hap Holiday's new digital watch.