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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Giant Series Magazine
Page Count: 68
Genre: Children, Detective-mystery, Humor, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.25 USD; 0.35 CAD
Cover Date: January 1964
Country: United States
Whoever does the most to help out at the school Christmas party will get to play Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. Veronica is the odds-on favorite to be Mrs. Santa Claus because she's paying for the band. After Archie is outdone by Reggie in his attempt to get a tree for the party, Jingles returns, offering to use his Brownie magic to help Archie beat Reggie. But everything Jingles tries just makes Archie lose even more humiliatingly.; A world-famous criminal, the Falcon, uses his mastery of disguise to get into the Lodge house and steal the fabulous diamond Mr. Lodge bought his wife for Christmas. But every time the Falcon steals the jewel, Archie accidentally foils him and gets the diamond back without even realizing it.; Archie shovels Mr. Lodge's driveway.; Christmas songs are used as definitions of Christmas problems.