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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Giant Series Magazine
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.35 USD
Cover Date: June 1978
Country: United States
Archie and Jughead are having fun making up nonsense lyrics to classic songs ("Way down upon the Gorgonzola ...", "Peeling -- coming through the ceiling!", etc.), and consequently annoy Betty and Veronica with their corny lyrics and bad rhymes (changing "France" to "Frence" so it will rhyme with "sense"). As they're singing their latest creation ("stomp fritter, polly wock, kittatinny koo!"), a kid who just happens to be the son of a record producer walks by with a portable tape recorder. This kid decides to tape the song, and takes it home to his dad to hear. In the next panel, after following a nice little dashed line from the previous panel, we see Betty and Veronica listening to the radio in the Chocklit Shop as the DJ announces the next tune - "Stomp Fritter", and Archie and Jughead are heard on the radio. In the final panel, Betty and Veronica are seen sitting at a table in the Lodge mansion trying to come up with their own nonsense lyrics, while Smithers and Mr. Lodge try to figure out what they're talking about.; Betty and Veronica are discussing classifications ("rich and poor", etc.). Betty mentions that there are only two kinds - rich and poor. Veronica disagrees, saying that there are others - fat and thin, boy and girl, short and tall... - but they're all insignificant (even "rich and poor"). The only kinds in her mind are leaders and followers - Lodges ("and a few other special families") are leaders, and the rest are followers. Veronica claims that she's a shepherd and her friends are sheep. After hearing Betty "baa" like a lamb, Archie goes to see what's going on. When Betty tells him all about Veronica's idea that she's a leader, Archie complains about it - calling it arrogance and "more of that women's lib garbage". He says that the guys are getting tired of bossy women, and that men have always been the leaders. Betty and Veronica quickly agree, and go along with it to avoid making Archie mad. Veronica then goes off the deep end (again) and goes to yell at girls about being bossy - telling them to "follow forcefully" and not to let anyone push them around.; Veronica and the gang are at school. Veronica mentions that she has the results of her search for her roots, which results in Archie, Jughead and Betty each responding with a bad tree-related pun ("I tried that but I kept BARKING up the wrong tree", "Maybe you should've BRANCHED out" and "LEAF it alone"). When Veronica says that she's traced her family tree back over a thousand years, Jughead says her family has "root rot". A discussion in the library leads to Miss Grundy guessing that there wasn't any royalty in Veronica's family after all. Betty then starts talking about her ancestry - some ancestors were mixed up with trouble-makers like George Washington, one ancestor was a pony express rider, and several helped build the railroad. When Veronica again tries to push that Betty's ancestors were just common folk, Betty thinks about it and decides that although they weren't royalty, they sure weren't common folks.; Veronica is all set to become the buzz around school with her new blouse, and Betty shows off her new "Archie's Girl" shirt. When everyone starts commenting on Betty's shirt, and Veronica doesn't get any comments on her blouse, she of course gets angry and hits the t-shirt store. The next day, every girl in Riverdale High is wearing an "Archie's Girl" shirt - except Veronica. Veronica thinks that this will make Archie sick and tired of the t-shirts, and since she's the only one not wearing one, Archie will of course want to hang out with her. Veronica's plan backfires though, as Archie decides he's the leader of the girls, and doesn't want to play favorites. This makes Veronica look like an idiot, as Archie walks through the halls followed by every girl at Riverdale High.; Charley tells Russ that he thinks Gigi is finally starting to notice him, because she spoke to him for the first time today. When Russ asks what she said, Charley says that she said "Get out of my way, creep!"