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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Giant Series Magazine
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.35 USD
Cover Date: December 1978
UPC: 0271000698912
Country: United States
Betty and Veronica are out enjoying the sights when they see a young boy longingly looking at a train set in a store window. Seeing that he looks poor, they feel sorry for him and follow him to an old shack where he lives with his mom and siblings. Even though the family seems happy, Veronica decides she's going to bring happiness into their lives. The next day, she and Betty go on a shopping spree - buying a refrigerator and washer for the mom, and toys for the kids. To make sure the kids think it's from Santa, they have everything delivered after the kids will be in bed.; Betty decides to go into the gift-wrapping business for the holidays, and sends Jughead out to show off her sample boxes. Jughead decides to start with Archie. Veronica sees him and asks if those are Betty's and where he's taking them. When Jughead tells her that they are Betty's and he's taking them to Archie's, Veronica assumes that Betty has purchased all those gifts for Archie, and that she's trying to make her look cheap by buying Archie more gifts.; Miss Grundy and Mr. Weatherbee agree to let the girls be in charge of the school's Christmas decorations. Betty and Veronica decide to start with boxes of Christmas decorations in the old storeroom in the basement. As they're unloading, they come across some mistletoe, so they hang some above the door to Study Hall, and pounce on Archie with smooches when he walks under it. A little while later, Veronica finds a Santa suit and puts it on, only to have Betty show up in an identical suit.; Veronica and her dad discuss how Archie always likes Betty's (cheaper) gifts better than Veronica's gift. Veronica is unable to bring herself to buy anything in Betty's price range, and promptly buys a diamond-studded platinum knife ("for spreading caviar") at La Snobbe Shoppe. Veronica then stops by Betty's and convinces her to switch gifts, so she ends up giving Archie the more expensive gift.; Li'l Jinx asks Roz for her opinion on the snowman she just built. Roz gives her opinion - like she was an art critic judging a painting. When Greg asks Li'l Jinx whether or not Roz liked it, Li'l Jinx says "Beats me!"; Three two-panel gags. First gag - Betty believes that it's better to give than to receive, so she gives Archie a gift certificate good for a dozen kisses from her. Second gag - Veronica is out shopping and says she wants to get something for Archie, so Betty asks how much she wants for him. Third gag - Veronica admires her bowling ball-shaped gift, saying that she's always wanted a bowling ball. Betty whispers to Jughead that she thinks she used too much wrapping paper on the golf ball.