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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Giant Series Magazine
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.40 USD
Cover Date: October 1979
UPC: 0271000698310
Country: United States
Jughead has a pet clam named Shelley, and is showing it off to Archie when Veronica and Betty arrive to go to the beach with Jughead and Archie. Betty doesn't really understand why he would want a pet clam. Veronica thinks it's extremely stupid and gets into an argument with him over it. Jughead ends up insulting Veronica, and she leaves, annoyed and angry. At the beach, Jughead is busy showing off his new pet, and sets it down on the shore so it can get some water, etc. Jughead turns his back, then the next thing he knows, there are TWO clams laying there. Betty and the rest of the gang convince Jughead not to mess with nature. Jughead is saddened by the loss of his pet, and two other guys on the beach think he's made a great sacrifice, and Veronica thinks that weirdness must be contagious.; As they're returning home after seenig a UFO movie, Archie and Jughead start discussing life in space, and keep mistaking various objects for UFOs - a pizza, a plate (thrown out the window by someone who's tired of a cat carrying on outside his window) and an iridescent frisbee. As they continue their walk home, a real UFO flies in front of them, but they refuse to believe that it is actually a UFO. Annoyed that the earthlings refuse acknowledge them, the aliens contact their base and say they're heading to a different planet where residents are more hospitable; Jughead is balancing pies on his nose, and keeps "accidentally" hitting Veronica and Reggie with them after they criticize his act.; Jughead convinces Archie to not wait for Veronica and spend all his hard-earned cash on Jughead.; Archie walks by Jughead's back yard, where Jughead is lying in a hammock, making strange motions with his hand. When Archie asks him what he's doing, Jughead responds that he's practicing for that night's championship. Archie walks off, assuming Jughead was giving him a silly answer due to his silly question. In the last panel, we see Jughead at the Valley Pinball Championship, using the same motion he was practicing earlier to pull the plunger on the pinball machine.; Roz is busy painting and comments that making the paintings has made her exhausted. The gag comes when the painting is revealed - consisting of one large green dot and a smaller red dot.