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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie Giant Series Magazine
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.60 USD
Cover Date: June 1982
Country: United States
With college looming, Mr. Lodge gives Veronica permission to get a roommate so she can practice adapting to dorm life. Then Jughead plants the seed in everyone's mind that Veronica will pick a male roommate.; When Veronica gets angry with Archie for not noticing her new nail polish, Archie becomes determined to notice and compliment everything about her the next time he sees her.; When Veronica's expensive fitness trainer's regimen becomes too strenuous for her, she asks Betty how she manages to stay fit and slim.; Veronica is cast in the lead of the school production of "The Princess And The Frog", but rebels when she learns she'll have to kiss an actual frog in the play.; Roz shows Charley the picture she drew.; Archie phones Betty from a flea market.