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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Double Digest Magazine
Page Count: 196
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.69 USD
Cover Date: September 2007
UPC: 76281646951718111
Country: United States
Archie and Jughead participate in the 2007 World Frisbee Championships.; Mr. Lodge and the kids are shipwrecked on an island filled with historical anachronisms.; Archie needs to find a way to stay cool.; Mr. Weatherbee wants some peace so Archie takes him to a cabin in the woods.; It's a Sadie Hawkins Day race.; Fred insists on supervising Archie and his friends when they camp out for Floppy Biscuit tickets.; Archie and Veronica are at the beach, not knowing about the troubles of the bugs that seem to be ruining their picnic.; Mr. Lodge has his own putting green on the mansion grounds but he's sure Archie will ruin it somehow.; Archie has been suffering from insomnia.; When the gang goes backpacking, Veronica decides to bring Smithers to carry her supplies.; Mr. Lodge asks Archie to teach him how to surf so he can network with the young CEO's in town.; Mr. Lodge finds ways to keep an eye on Archie and Veronica while they are alone in the Lodge Mansion.; Jughead bets Archie he can't make it to the beach in thirty minutes.; Archie becomes a lifeguard and takes it to heart when the lead guard tells all of them that talking to pretty girls while on duty can lead to someone drowning.; The boys have discovered the arcade game in Mr. Lodge's game room. Each tries to distract the others as they play to prevent them from getting the high score.; The gang discusses what it would be like if there were special days that allowed them to act like kids, or allow them the same discounts as senior citizens.; Archie convinces Mr. Weatherbee that his gym membership is a waste of money, that Archie can help him exercise for free.; Archie takes Betty on a date which will allow him to not spend any money.; Mr. Lodge tries out Archie's water walking pontoons.; Little Archie and his friends accidentally hit a baseball thru Mr. Weatherbee's window.; Archie brings a surf board to the beach to impress girls, even though he can't surf. The plan backfires when Archie says the waves are too low and a Hawaiian shows him where the waves are highest.; Reggie's new sunglasses get all the girls attention.; Archie takes a nap in the woods and misses all the excitement.; Everywhere Archie looks is a reminder that school will be starting soon.; Archie gets his mom flowers.; Mr. Weatherbee hires Archie to prepare the school for September, but Archie only causes chaos.; Reggie offers Archie a ride home, but changes his mind.; Dilton suggests some eye exercises to Archie to improve his eyesight but Archie has a better idea.; The only thing hard enough to crack a coconut is Moose's head.; Archie would do anything for Veronica, except go out in the rain to meet her.; Archie can't afford either of the sundaes that Veronica is torn between.; Archie pushes Reggie into the pool.; Little Jughead takes Little Betty and Little Veronica's jobs.; Spotty is a very obedient dog - - when he wants to be.; A customized frisbee for each member of the Archie gang.; Reggie congratulates Veronica on winning their tennis match.; Jughead tells a joke.; Veronica has a special ball for throwing strikes, Moose hits a home run, and Archie finds the water trap on the golf course.; Reggie calls Archie a yo-yo.; Archie will not let success go to his head.; Archie surfs "goofy foot" style.; Archie wears a string-bean costume.; Moose's fist is itching.; Moose borrows a fan.

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