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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Double Digest Magazine
Page Count: 196
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.75 USD; 2.75 CAD
Cover Date: February 1994
UPC: 07189646951670
Country: United States
The mayor wants Mr. Lodge to put some important papers into a time capsule.; Veronica schemes to kiss Archie under the mistletoe and prevent Betty from doing the same but Mr. Lodge helps Betty get the last kiss.; Everyone is expecting an important phone call on the Choklit Shop phone.; Archie buys a share of stock in Mr. Lodge's company.; Betty and Veronica throw a surprise party for Dilton, but it isn't his birthday.; The Archies meet a PR man who wants to change the name of the group.; Veronica gets a cursed doll for Christmas.; Two small boys throw snowballs at Betty and Veronica, causing them to drop their packages.; Mr. Lodge takes Veronica, Archie and Reggie to Egypt to see the discovery of a new Egyptian tomb.; Alexandra insists on wearing fur coats, much to the disapproval of Mr. Cabot and Josie. Josie and Valerie come up with a way to get Alexandra to voluntarily switch to synthetic fur.; Officer Clancy wears Archie's Santa suit to Veronica's party.; Archie has so many plans to spend parts of Christmas with his friends that he may not have any time left to spend with his parents.; When Archie and Jughead are fighting, Betty and Veronica scheme a way to get them back together again.; Mr. Weatherbee loses his report on recycling efforts at Riverdale High.; Veronica calls Archie to the ice skating competition in order to distract Betty and allow her to claim first place.; Reggie kisses Midge in front of Moose claiming that it's in the Christmas spirit but Moose gets even with his present to Reggie.; Reggie helps a group of children complete a 3000 piece puzzle to win a Christmas party from Jolly Jim John.; Betty finds a sweater she wants to give Archie for Christmas, but she doesn't have enough money with her. Veronica has seen this and, when Betty leaves to get more funds, swoops in and buys up the remaining two sweaters. When Mr. Lodge finds out, he takes matters into his own hands.; Veronica is researching his genealogy and all her ancestors were rich and famous.; Harvey's plans to get Sabrina and Hilda to the Christmas pageant on time are not working out.; Archie promises Miss Grundy he will go on no more dates until he improves his history grade.; Betty regrets her reputation for neatness when all the teachers want her to stay after school and help them clean up.; Archie has to decide which school staff member will be the school newspaper's person of the year.; Reggie tries to impress some girls with his skiing not realizing they are all expert skiiers.; Charley masquerades as Santa to con Gigi into going to the dance with him.; Coach Clayton's prospects for a good basketball team are slim until a new seven-foot student comes to register at Riverdale.; Betty and Veronica help the down on their luck Holiday family.; While on a ski trip Jughead reads Archie his horoscope and Archie believes it will be bad luck for him to be near his friends.; Betty's gloom around the holidays is spreading to her friends.; Svenson is grumpy about the cleaning up he'll do because of the school Christmas party.; Mr. Lodge tells Moose to keep something "under his hat".; Miss Grundy proves her new classroom isn't soundproof.; Archie finds a way to get all the girls to look at him.; Jughead confuses the words 'swan' and 'duck'.; Reggie is hot-dogging on skis.; Jughead offers Archie and Reggie a lift to school on his snowmobile jalopy.; Moose mistakenly thinks Archie is in the hospital.; Ethel tries to get a ride with Jughead.; Jughead sells Moose a defective snow shovel.; Mr. Lodge is unhappy with his hot chocolate.; Betty and Jughead differ on their opinions of the snowfall.; Ethel wants to play Post Office.

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