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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1960
Country: United States
Silly facts like all the aardvarks in South America are married.; Changes to history if teenagers were in charge, including changing Mount Rushmore to Mount Rock-n-Rollmore, changing the titles of history books, and recognizing new national heroes.; Visual representations of common sayings: The boy who shot off his mouth, the girl who was green with envy, and the cool cat.; Caveman Cecil McGinty discovers time.; Teenage-themed jewelry, including tire earrings for hot rod fans, handcuffs for couples, and the hamburger pendant for food lovers.; Life was no different for teen-agers back in the stone age.; Aunt Juggie dispenses advice to the lovelorn. Advice to boys-- about girls and advice to girls -- about boys.; Cartoons with Moose giving silly answers to questions by his teachers.; Five limericks about a fat man, a bear wrestler, a canner, a man with stains on his vest, and a girl who overeats.; Aunt Juggie dispenses tips on etiquette.; Ad for ready-made gravy stains for ties.; Jughead paints a picture of a pretty girl, but when he tries to steal a kiss, the girl hits him and turns her back to him.; Future footwear ideas, including Japanese shoes, outer space shoes, and stock market shoes.; The Archie gang transformed into appropriate underwater creatures.; Moose reads broadcast announcements that sort of make sense, until you think about them.; Parody billboards.; Jughead paints a picture of a waterfall, then is flooded out of his house.; Silly classified ads.