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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1949
Country: United States
Boston, 1723. Paul Clark runs away to sea aboard The Boston Belle. Unbeknownst to him, his 8-year old brother, Nat, has followed, and stows away. Maria is a passenger. Her late mother was English. She travels to join her father, the governor of Trinidad Island. She befriends Nat and Paul. Paul is wounded defending her from the Pirate captain, Redbeard, who loots the ship, and takes them hostage. Paul walks the plank, but Maria and Nat throw him a rope, and pull him back aboard through their cabin window. Nat dances for Redbeard, and, as reward, Paul is allowed to join the crew. Fleeing a battle with a British Man o' War, the pirate ship beaches in the cove of a small island. Paul, Nat, and Maria escape to a little inlet aboard a small boat. Just before dawn, the pirate ship's powder magazine explodes, the ship is blasted to bits, and all its crew perish. A tall ship of war appears, flying the flag of Spain. A young ship's officer bows to Maria (daughter of the governor of Trinidad) and explains, "We saw the light of the explosion, Señiorita." They are saved! Paul and Nat are once more ... Adventure Bound!