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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Historical, Non-fiction, Sports
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD; 0.15 USD
Cover Date: March 1957
Country: United States
Sir Lancelot goes to Camelot to seek to join the Knights of the Round Table. He is challenged to a duel by Sir Gawain, who believes him to be "The Knight of the Red Plume" who wreaked havoc on King Arthur's Knights during a recent battle.; Brian, kitchen boy of Urgan the Strong, goes to Camelot to ask for help from King Arthur to protect his master from Lelias the Mighty. Arthur sends Lancelot, who finds himself in the middle of a feud between two families.; Facts about Medieval tournaments.; Description of the location and layout of King Arthur's Castle.