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Publisher: Dell
Title: Four Color
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1953
Country: United States
The Little King befriends a young boy named Kit and takes him along on his official duties one morning. Tired of all his official duties, the Little King abdicates and names Kit as his successor. After thieves steal the gold in the royal treasury, King Kit declares jelly beans as the currency of the country. Meanwhile, the Little King has had a hard time roaming the country as a hobo. He happens upon the thieves who stole the gold and spoils their plan to blow up the castle and the new King.; The Little King goes to his mountain lodge, only to find that it has been taken over by the Junior Forest Rangers. The Rangers don't believe he is the King and he has to pass the qualifying tests in order to become a Junior Forest Ranger and stay in the lodge.; When the new airplane won't fly, the Little King designs one that will.; The Little King shows home movies of the court dozing while on duty, but everyone falls asleep during the showing.; The Little King interrupts a review of the Army in order to go upstairs and play with his toy soldiers.