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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody, Science Fiction, Superhero, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: April 1963
Country: United States
Captain Sprocket is called upon when Plutonians land on Earth with their truth rays, which are causing all sorts of problems.; Joe and Janet, despite their previous misadventures with Professor Transistor's inventions, go to his laboratory to make Joe smart enough to pass his algebra exam. The Professor's brain machine raises his IQ from 90 to 9,000 and also increases the size of his head. Unfortunately the high intelligence turns out to be trouble and Joe returns to get the Professor to reverse the effect.; Sabrina sets her sights on finding a handsome boy at a dance, but all her magic misfires.; The Pink Martian lands on a planet that fears Earth because they think its inhabitants are giants.; Chester can't get a date, so he fills out a computer form to find his perfect match.; A photo album of monster actor Boris Karlaff and his actor friends.; When the Pink Martian points out to an Earth girl that it snows every day on Mars, she retorts that that's the reason why Martians give Earth gals snow jobs.