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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: July 1965
Country: United States
The Earth Space Zoo director wants Godfrey to get the zoo something new. He tries several different planets but has no success. He tries Planet X-305, where he finds many rare animals, but he turns out to be the rarest of them all.; In 2065 A.D., space patrolmen Dolan of Earth and Moo Goo of Mars chase a speeder and end up in a strange galaxy. They are captured by giant aliens and put in jail. It turns out they have just broken a law for jaywalking and can pay a $5 fine and leave. For botching their mission, their commander puts them on space dog-catching duties.; Scientists create a product that will cure bad breath, dandruff, and B.O. However, after their announcer drinks the product on a live TV commercial, he gains strange powers and decides to ruin all TV commercials.; An astronaut lands on a planet and encounters a giant alien who has fallen for him.; When a soft drink machine doesn't work, a man kicks it. The machine kicks him back.; After a close encounter with a re-entering nose cone, a witch looks for a hex to ward them off.; Aliens from Mercury plan to invade earth, but find that the Sahara desert is much too cold for them.; A professor is working on a formula to reduce the size of living creatures. He is too successful.; Two amoebas under a microscope have the feeling they're being watched.; Two teens want their friend to face facts, but it's hard to do without a face.