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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody, Science Fiction, Spy, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: April 1966
Country: United States
Sprocket is sent on a secret mission to Glopstockia to bring back an enlarging machine.; Rocky the disk jockey hires an energetic young assistant to do all the dangerous work in his job--like giving out free records.; Juke Box Joe defeats Professor Transistor's attempt to capture him, but meets his demise at the hands of a horde of rabid Beatles fans.; Zeke sells secrets to his fellow teenagers and organizes a network of spies called F. I. N. K. (Fiendish Intelligence Network of Kids).; The old gag about "not being able to fight their way out of a paper bag" proves correct.; The driver of a race car can't understand why the car seems to be driving itself.; A fakir gets a fill-up so his flying carpet can have a "tiger in the tank."; When a doctor takes an x-ray of a sailor with a girl tattooed on his chest, the bones of the girl show up, too.; The first Earth explorers are given a heroes' welcome by the Martians.; Mad House bad guys shower before they fight.; Aliens studies various Earth languages, but can't understand baby talk.; A scientist's computer demands a three-week vacation.