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Publisher: Archie
Title: Archie's Madhouse
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Jungle, Science Fiction, Superhero, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: February 1967
Country: United States
Lester sells counterfeit goods to a safari and then takes credit for battling a tiger, when Zartan did the job.; Car Man (half-man, half automobile) captures villain Blue Bolt and his Blue Thunder car.; Sabrina uses witchcraft to help her get Jimmy to ask her to the dance, but everything goes wrong.; Sprocket manages to demolish a window and door while trying to open them.; Sprocket makes his dragster streamlined like a rocket ship and even uses rocket fuel. You can guess what happens.; Professor Transistor has the most automated laboratory in the world.; Captain Sprocket is broke until he rents the back of his cape for a soft drink advertisement.; Spacemen find that Martians are only two inches tall. However, they also find, like Gulliver, they can be a problem.; Dr. Suture is called to emergency because he's the only one who can slice a pizza properly.; Three two-panel gags: shrinking formula; centaur as a cavalryman; and false front for a shack.; A man mistakes a small flying saucer for his wife's wind-blown hat.; Robots are on strike at a factory because their jobs are being taken over by small robots.; Aliens mistake a jukebox for a talkative Earth girl.; Female aliens think cactus plants are handsome Earth creatures.